Diffusion Cloud
Our vision is to create a platform that makes it easy and efficient to develop and operate real-time applications. We help businesses worldwide bring event-driven, real-time applications to market quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
Quick Start Guide
Your fast track to sending and receiving data with Diffusion Cloud.
Release Notes
Additional Resources and Support
SDK Downloads
By downloading any of these SDKs you agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions.
Get the minified JavaScript:
Get the unminified JavaScript:
Include a specific version of JavaScript in a web page:
<script src="https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/diffusion-6.11.5.js">
Use with Node.js:
Install with npm.
npm install diffusion
Include in your Node.js application.
var diffusion = require('diffusion');
Use TypeScript definitions with the client library:
If you got the client library using npm, the TypeScript definition file is included.
can also download the TypeScript file from the following URL:
Include the TypeScript definition file in your IDE project to use the TypeScript definitions when developing for a client.
Enable message compression:
To enable optional zlib message compression in browser applications, you can either:
- use browserify to require the browserify-zlib npm module
- package or include this file:
If you are using Node.js, you don’t need to do anything to enable compression. Node.js provides zlib as a standard module.
Get the web worker bundle:
Get the modular browser bundles:
https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/diffusion-core-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-core-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-client-control-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-messages-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-topic-control-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-topic-update-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-topic-notifications-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-time-series-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-security-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-session-lock-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-remote-servers-6.11.5.js https://download.diffusiondata.com/clients/6.11.5/js/modular/diffusion-feature-topic-views-6.11.5.js
Get the Apple SDK for iOS:
Get the Apple SDK for macOS:
Get the Apple SDK for tvOS:
Use the android client:
apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compileSdkVersion 27 defaultConfig { multiDexEnabled true applicationId "com.pushtechnology.android.example" minSdkVersion 19 targetSdkVersion 27 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" } buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' } } compileOptions { coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } } repositories { maven { url "https://download.diffusiondata.com/maven/" } } dependencies { coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.0.9' implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21' implementation 'com.pushtechnology.diffusion:diffusion-android-client:6.11.5' }
Get the Java SDK using Maven:
Add the DiffusionData public repository to your pom.xml file
<repositories> <repository> <id>push-repository</id> <url>https://download.diffusiondata.com/maven/</url> </repository> </repositories>
Declare the following dependency in your pom.xml file
<dependency> <groupId>com.pushtechnology.diffusion</groupId> <artifactId>diffusion-client</artifactId> <version>6.11.5</version> </dependency>
Get the Java SDK using Gradle:
Add the DiffusionData public repository to your build.gradle file
repositories { maven { url "https://download.diffusiondata.com/maven/" } }
Declare the following dependency in your build.gradle file
compile 'com.pushtechnology.diffusion:diffusion-client:6.11.5'
Get the Java SDK as a JAR:
Get the .NET SDK from NuGet:
dotnet add package Diffusion.Client
Get the C client libraries for Linux:
Get the C client libraries for macOS:
Get the C client libraries for Windows:
Get the Python SDK with pip:
$ pip install diffusion==6.11.5